My Approach & Treatment Philosophy
I am passionate about my work and enjoy working compassionately with my clients in their best interests. Having traditional medical training (MD), training in Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, strong interests in Satir Transformational Systemic Family Therapy, TRA (Transactional Analysis), Psychosomatic work, Somatic Experiencing, Medical NLP, Psychoneuroimmunology and keen attention in Alternative Medicine various applications, especially in Body-Mind Medicine, Energy Medicine, Auvereda allows me to keep my hand on the pulse of newest developments in medicine and integrate the transformational processes in my work with patients. I am continuing my education by pursuing Counselling and Psychology training with credible Australian institutes and organisations.
With a client centred and holistic approach to health, I believe that we are capable of healing ourselves for we have got all the resources within ourselves. During my sessions, I support you and guide you to the best solution possible for you …in my opinion, successful therapy is always based on Client-centered approach which is designed to find a way to get client’s own mind to disclose the cause of the illness or presenting issue thus empowering the client. By subsequent psychological and spiritual development, you are capable of revising the illness process and get well. I believe that by taking charge of their lives and living it to the full potential you are will achieve excellent results in well being and be happy.
In my practice I utilise all the methods of hypnotherapeutic intervention, tailored for the client’s personality, history and the problems presented. I employ multiple psychotherapeutic modalities and hypnosis along with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Family Reconstruction Therapy, Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and I am an advocate for short term therapy because I believe the faster we make changes in our minds, the longer lasting and more effective the results.
By establishing a Remedial Positive Partnership with my clients through rapport, which is based on mutual trust and open assertive communication, I focus on the whole person healing/getting well rather on symptoms/problems presented only. I am an advocate for solution based therapy rather than problem solving approach as I view therapy as a restoration of flexibility, responsiveness and adaptability of health rather than just a removal of a problem. I respect the primary need of my clients to feel secure, to feel valued, acknowledged and accepted, and mostly important, to feel free to make choices, to be true to themselves, to have their own vision of success and to find an inner connection with happiness and joy. I believe our bodies and minds prosper or perish altogether, therefore, our thoughts, attitudes, feelings and behaviours are needed to be recognised as vital aspects of being well.
The ultimate goal of most of mind-body techniques and methods is to get the body and mind to relax and to reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body, so that your immune system is better able to fight off illness.
While I comprehend that certain therapeutic approaches will work for some and not for others (as we are all different and want different things in life), one of the important things is that I practice Client Centered Therapy, tailoring my knowledge to each individual, approaching the issues with the utmost respect, supporting you along the way to achieving significant goals and future development.
To read more about how NLP, EFT and Hypnotherapy work click here.
I believe multiple
conditions may be
approached in the
drug free manner
coupled with
supportive Client Centred approach and therefore can only advantage, support clients in their best interests. In my opinion, focusing on quality of the relationship with client is paramount as treatment itself.