There is enormous amount information available on the topic of depression in modern literature with new descriptions on bio neurophysiology of the process and new therapeutic interventions described every few months. One needs to keep in mind that depression is not purely a biochemical disorder. As humans we are experiencing our journeys in time frame, as for an example a reactive depression is always a response to an event (real or imaginary) in the past. In fact, multiple clinical studies on depression evidently support that clients suffer from depressive mood often are orientated to the past experiences rather than on present or future moments with adaptation of specific, downcast dejected physiology and tend to dissociate from current realty.
Medical NLP techniques (including Time Line Therapy and installation of new strategies after collapsing old anchors), guided visualisations with Hypnoanalytical work, Hypnotic CBT implementation, to name a few, are incredibly useful in therapeutic approach when dealing with depressive conditions.
For more information on therapies offered please call us on 0499 727 121 or request an appointment today.
I believe multiple
conditions may be
approached in the
drug free manner
coupled with
supportive Client Centred approach and therefore can only advantage, support clients in their best interests. In my opinion, focusing on quality of the relationship with client is paramount as treatment itself.