It is important to recognise and accept the limitations in terms of confidentiality and security of the media before agreeing to proceed (Skype, Microsoft, WhatsApp etc).
Our service has been designed and is provided for people in a state of normal mental and physical health and functioning. It is not designed to treat, diagnose, cure or alleviate symptoms of any kind of mental or physical or illness.
Our service is offered in good faith and any advice or instruction provided in any interaction clients may have with Cairns Life Therapy should not been seen by them as a substitute for the professional advice of medical doctors, psychiatrists or clinical psychologists. In all cases it is the responsibility of each client to seek appropriate professional treatment for any symptoms of disease or disorder that they may be experiencing.
Cairns Life Therapy is not able to give any warranty or guarantee that personal problems (either expressed or implied) presented by a client can or will be resolved.
Cairns Life Therapy does not accept any liability or responsibility for any consequences of a client's use of its services -- either beneficial or otherwise. A client's use of the advice or information provided in a counselling session, their interpretation of what they see or hear in such sessions or any effects on them or others which they attribute to such sessions is their responsibility alone.
In no event shall Cairns Life Therapy or its employees be liable to any person(s) for any loss or damage of any kind which may occur as a result of the counselling & psychotherapy service(s) it provides.
I believe multiple
conditions may be
approached in the
drug free manner
coupled with
supportive Client Centred approach and therefore can only advantage, support clients in their best interests. In my opinion, focusing on quality of the relationship with client is paramount as treatment itself.